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Dad Says, Part 2
Written June 23, 2005


Richwood, the Ohio village where I grew up, was a dense forest when first settled in 1832.  It quickly became a trading and manufacturing center for the farms being carved out of the surrounding plains.  By 1872 the growing town had its own weekly newspaper, The Richwood Gazette..

The paper has always been interested in history.  One of its features, variously known over the years by such titles as "Dad Says" and "In Retrospect," reprints items from past editions, such as 100 and 75 and 50 and 25 years ago.  The more recent items remind me of events from my own life.  But I also find the older stories fascinating, a glimpse of an earlier version of the town.

Here are some of the items from a quarter-century period, 1880 through 1905.

In Part 1:
















Here in Part 2:

















In the flat fields surrounding Richwood, farmers bury pipes made of hollow terra-cotta tile to conduct excess groundwater away from the soil to nearby ditches.  This is especially important when the spring rains come; otherwise the fields would turn into huge untillable ponds.

May 13, 1880
Monroe and Horn are making many improvements and adding to their facilities for making brick and tile.  They purchased recently a new engine to run their machinery and are now engaged in building new kilns in which to burn their wares.

The tilemaking business is becoming one the principal branches of industry in this section, and the lucrative and beautifying effects of judicious draining are already apparent.  As time progresses, what were formerly swamps and thickets in this low level country, by a thorough system of drainage, will resemble paradise — if we are allowed to use the expression. 

June 29, 1882
The hands at Beem & Biddle's Wheel Barrow Tray Manufactory are now putting in twelve hours per day in order to fill a large contract on time.

August 16, 1883
Buy the Richwood Patent Pastry Flour at $1.40 per sack.  It is a No. 1 article and will save you the freight that is added to the flour that is shipped or hauled to this market.

June 12, 1884
It would be a blessing to our town if the old flax mill building was converted into some kind of a manufactory, which would bring workmen, industry and capital to Richwood.  As it is, a valuable and useful building is being allowed to moulder and decay.

April 7, 1887
A new era has dawned in the business interests of Richwood.  This is strictly an agriculture district, and what industry is more appropriate than the manufacture of wheat and corn.

The Keystone Rally Mills, being operated by Richwood Millong Co., are about to commence business.

The flax mill building near the depot, idle and useless for years, has become a thing of beauty on the interior with its transformation into a model flouring mill.

By this time next week, the mill will be ready to customer work.  If the flour turnout is not satisfactory in every case, the price of the wheat brought will be given the customer, besides his flour.  Give it a trial.

January 1, 1903
John M. Horn will be compelled to shut down his tile works in this place if he does not get a lot of four-foot wood soon.  This institution has been running day and night for years and if it is compelled to shut down it will be the means of throwing a number of men out of work.


January 2, 1880
Joseph Jelley's children were taken down with diphtheria, their throats being swollen and cankered terribly.  Mrs. Jelley remembered a treatment a former neighbor, Mrs. Light, had recounted that she had successfully used on herself.  Mrs. Jelley gave her children kerosene oil to use as a gargle and also had them swallow some.  The children recovered rapidly and in a few days were out on the street.  Four other cases were in like manner successfully treated.

February 12, 1880
The "blood purifier" was in town on Tuesday with a wagon load of sassafras.  The whole load was disposed of to our citizens.

January 27, 1881
Children in town and country are passing through attacks of scarlet fever, chicken pox and measles.  Those desiring to be vaccinated would do well to see Dr. R.W. Connell, as he has just received from Cincinnati some pure cow pox virus.  This virus is taken direct from the heifer.  A person need feel no uneasiness about catching any blood disease which they are liable to catch when virus is taken from one person and used for vaccinating another.

November 19, 1903
The smallpox scare at Woodland is all over!  Young Bumgartner, the teacher of the school there, will be dismissed from quarantine next Monday and will rest up to a week or ten days before reopening the school.  All children and adults vaccinated at that place have had very sore arms and there is no danger of the disease breaking out again.  Dr. L.L. Roebuck and the Jackson Township board of health deserve much credit for the manner in which they routed the disease out of the neighborhood.

March 10, 1905
Two weeks ago a tramp broke into the Bell school house (Bowling Green Township) and lodged overnight.  Nothing was thought of the occurrence and the house was fumigated.  A few days later a couple of children complained of sickness.  In time, a physician was called and pronounced their sickness smallpox.  A strict quarantine has been enforced, school has been closed indefinitely, and no Sunday School or religious services will be held in the school house until the disease is thoroughly stamped out.  It is supposed the tramp was a smallpox sufferer and thus infected the whole neighborhood.

June 15, 1905
A street fakir selling a self-made nostrum, which he called medicine, swindled a number of our citizens out of about $30 recently.  Still, all who purchased publicly stated they "were satisfied."  The swindler stated he was also satisfied and drove away with their money.

Moral Values

January 29, 1880
We've been having lively times this week — all our saloon men have been arrested for violating our liquor law, and trials will be held the middle and latter part of the week.

Some two dozen of our best boys have voluntarily come forward and made truthful statements as to their experiences in this matter of the doings of our saloonists.

Let me urge it upon all temperance people to come forward and assist those who are trying to have our laws vindicated.

May 27, 1880
Little boys should be home in their beds in the evening instead of running at large on our streets.  Some parents in this town will have much to account for because of their wicked negligence.  In this respect, Parents, if you do not want your boys to be rowdies and worse, keep them at home.  You can't save your boy if you do not.  You may save him if you do.

July 12, 1883
The Village Council having expressed a desire for further expression of opinion from citizens of Richwood, particularly businessmen and voters within the corporation, notice is hereby given that another temperance mass meeting will be held at the M.P. Church next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, and all voters within the corporation, whether friendly or unfriendly to the proposed prohibitory ordinance, are cordially invited and urged to attend in order that some further expression from the people may be taken or provision be made for taking the same.

September 6, 1883
The Richwood Billiard Parlors have just been remodeled and newly papered, and is an ornament to the town.  The proprietor has added a reading room in connection with the same where the latest periodicals and daily newspapers can be found.  It is conducted on strictly moral principles, allowing no drinking or gambling therein, and complies with all legal restrictions.  The proprietor is bringing it up to a moral standard where the most fastidious can enter without having their exquisite sensibilities injured, and where they can enjoy a harmless a game as croquet — only on more scientific principles.

December 20, 1883
At their meeting last Friday evening, Council instructed the Marshal to attend strictly to his business and see that the prohibitory ordinance passed last summer was strictly enforced.  Therefore he notified the saloon keepers and they have shipped back their supply of beer, and none of that beverage can be found in Richwood for love nor money; by case, bottle or glass.  Nothing but "spirits" can now be procured at the saloons — so called — but happily there is little in a name, in this respect at present.

August 4, 1887
Richwood’s town council has taken action for the repeal of the prohibitory ordinance which has been in effect at that place for some months past.  Can’t worry through the summer on pops and lemonade.

January 19, 1888

Why are Richwood cigars like a lottery ticket?  Because there is only one in a thousand that will draw – Prospect News.

The above is predicated upon the following facts:  A Prospect dude, used to smoking the cigars most in vogue in that little hamlet, “Wheeling Stogas,” was in Richwood last week and bought four of the popular 5 cent cigars now so universally smoked by all cultivated gentlemen, and because it didn’t burn up fast like the cabbage cheroots made on the Ohio River, 180 for a dollar, he rushes into print to show his ignorance of a town where the best cigars in Ohio are used.

Outdoor Life

February 5, 1880
The killing of rabbits, as well as quail, is prohibited by law between the first of January and the 15th of November.  But the law of prohibition in this particular case is in about as much force as the liquor law.

November 29, 1883
Tomorrow ends the quail hunting season, and the birds have been pretty well thinned out.  Local sportsmen and sportsmen from afar off have gathered a rich harvest in this vicinity during the month just closing.  The timid, cowering birds were shown no quarter.  Now let the war be opened on the pestiferous English sparrow.

July 30, 1903
The "Fur, Fin and Feather Club" of this place, composed of eight jolly sports, will begin their second annual outing on the banks of the Scioto.  They expect to be in camp ten days and have a good time, as they did last year.


May 13, 1880
When a man looks into the dim vista of bygone years, about the only things he can remember are his mother's slippers, his first pair of boots, the old school master and the little rosy cheeked schoolgirl who use to make his heart flutter whenever she asked him for a bite of his chewing gum.  Life was worth living in those days, even though there wasn't much money in it.

April 4, 1901
The correct style of corset now is one that "revolutionizes the human form" as remodeled, being shaped something like a letter S.  Man is fearfully and wonderfully made, and woman is fearfully and wonderfully made over.

August 8, 1901
The trouble is, your skeleton won't stay in a closet, but walks about the roads and streets and talks with people.

Police Blotter

March 12, 1890
Two young ladies, one night last week, dressed themselves up in men's clothing and started out to see the sights and came very near to being arrested.  One of the ladies is married, the other being a maiden.

February 10, 1887
New schemes to swindle farmers are brought to light almost every week in different parts of the county.  The latest is sending out blanks with the request they be filled out for the purpose of showing the condition of crops in their vicinity.  In a short time, the farmer will be surprised at the return of this piece of paper to which his signature is attached and transformed into a promissory note, which has been discounted at some bank and which he will have to pay.  The safest way is to have no correspondence with strangers.

March 4, 1887
There are several suspicious characters loafing around this place at present and our citizens should take extra pains in making their fastenings secure at night, although it is understood that they will not take anything that they can’t carry.

Marshal Finley informs us that the tramps are getting quite thick of late.  On Thursday night, there was one; on Friday night, four; and on Monday night, two of these artists of pedestrianism took lodging in the “shade.”  They are coming from the south and going north and east.

November 17, 1887
Capt. John Cunningham has restored to our town and made it possible for decent people and ladies to walk our streets without being hooted and jibed at by roughians and is now working on burglaries and robberies over the past year.

January 4, 1900
The hobos continue to seek shelter nightly at the "Hotel Pacific."  One long lank Irishman dropped in Sunday night when the mercury stood below zero.  He said that he had hoofed it from Milwaukee and was footsore, hungry and tired and was on his way to Pittsburg.  Why the authorities here don't devise some plan to put those hobos to work when they come here as they do in other cities, is something we can't understand.  The town is infested with tramps every winter.

In other words, they want food but they don't want to chop firewood or till the garden in exchange for it.

May 11, 1905
The tramp season is at hand.  They are all looking for a meal without the woodpile or garden spade as an appetizer.

“Tramps” remained a problem for decades.  In the April 1, 1912, issue of the Gazette:

Richwood would soon be rid of tramps if all the ladies would call them to work when they call at the back doors and ask for food.  Mrs. Elizabeth Haines, of West Ottawa Street, gave a tramp his breakfast and then compelled him to carry in a lot of coal and beat her rugs before leaving.  Mrs. Haines sets a good example.



From my childhood in the 1950s, I remember more than one comic strip in which an unemployed gentleman is tempted by a pie cooling on the sill of an open kitchen window.


October 1, 1891
There will be a sham election in Broadway at the town hall for the purpose of learning how to vote the new ballot correctly.

January 11, 1900
Richwood was well represented at the inauguration of Gov. George K. Nash last Monday.  The Hocking Valley Depot at Prospect was crowded for the morning trains by people bound for Columbus, a large proportion of whom were from this place.  Many others had gone down on Sunday by way of both Prospect and Peoria, so that this town was as quiet as a churchyard all day Monday.

Warren G. Harding, from nearby Marion, would be elected President 17 years later.

October 15, 1903
Republican meeting in Richwood to be held Wednesday, Oct. 21 at the Opera House featuring the Honorable W.G. Harding and Honorable Albert Douglas, who will address the meeting on the political issues of the day.  Music will be provided by the Magnetic Springs Band.

Public Transport

April 20, 1882
J. McIntyre, the boss carpenter of the N.Y.P. & O. gang, was here a few days ago and says that Richwood is booked for a new depot this summer.  A better depot has been needed here for some time.

June 21, 1883
The Richwood and Magnetic Springs Hack Lines is doing a flourishing business.  It now takes passengers directly from the depot, under a special arrangement with the railroad.

August 21, 1884
The Railroad Company failed to furnish necessary accommodations for the passengers to Marion Wednesday morning, and many had to ride on top of the box cars.

October 30, 1902
Commencing October 31, train 114 going east at 10:40 p.m. will carry express mail to Marion Junction from Richwood.  Since last August, all eastern mail not in the post office in time for train 4, due here at 5:22, was compelled to be held over until train 16 the next day, delaying it about fourteen hours.  Postmaster Burgoon requested the change be made.

April 21, 1905
Two Richwood men rode on the front end of train #16.  George Jones, age 38 and married, sustained serious injury (broken and split open nose, bruises and cuts).  When he did not care to be seen riding into the station, he leaped off, although the train was going at a speed of several miles an hour, hitting his head on railroad ties.  The second daredevil, William Vansant, escaped uninjured.  Returning home, Jones said, "I didn't mind the ride so much, but I don't like the consequences."


In those days, any accomplished musician could be a "Professor" and a small band could be an "orchestra."  Was  the "prompting" actually square-dance calling?

May 6, 1880
A very select social ball was indulged by the young people of this place at Westheimer's Hall on Thursday evening last.  The programme, gotten up by Prof. E. Gibbs, leader of the orchestra and prompter, was a grand one and especially adapted to the limited knowledge of most of our young people in dancing.  With the efficient prompting of Prof. Gibbs, everything passed off peacefully, harmoniously and joyously.  Supper was taken at the Beem House at the proper time and dancing continued until the "wee small hours" began to lengthen.

January 6, 1881
A party of our young people had an old-fashioned sleigh ride last Saturday evening, driving to LaRue where they took supper at the Union House.

June 2, 1881
The popular craze right now is a two-cent red stamp and a one-cent blue stamp on a letter.  This is especially the correct thing where young ladies and gentlemen correspond.  The blending of the colors, red, white and blue, means union.

December 14, 1882
The identical boy who boiled Dick Marriott's boots to make them soft — one of the best jokes in the early history of Richwood — is visiting friends here at present.

January 24, 1884
Square, not pointed, ends must be worn on evening neckties this year.  This should be carefully watched, as the fate of the country depends upon the end of the necktie.

February 7, 1884
A number of young people enjoyed themselves at the residence of H.C. Woodruff on E. Blagrove St. last Friday evening, pulling taffy and indulging in general merriment.

October 29, 1885
Arrangements are about completed for a series of socials or club dances by the best young people of Richwood during the coming winter.  When conducted in the manner the club intends they shall be, social dances are not productive of evil, but agreeable and healthful sport.

In the more usual "box social," it was not the girls but the baskets that were auctioned, as in the musical Oklahoma!  A winning bidder then shared the food with the girl who prepared it.  The preparers' identities may have supposedly been secret, but they were not veiled.

November 5, 1885
The latest wrinkle for raising money at church fairs is to have an auction sale of veiled beauties.  Each lady will be wrapped in gossamer, waterproofed and veiled, and will carry a filled lunch basket.  They will be sold at auction to the highest bidder.  The purchase will secure the lady's company as a partner for the evening and will share the contents of the basket.

September 17, 1891
A new wrinkle for raising funds at church socials is as follows:  The ladies write their names and weights on slips of paper and the gentlemen draw the slips, each taking the lady whose name he has drawn to supper and paying half a cent per pound according to the weight of his partner.  If the ladies should overestimate their weight, it isn’t considered a sin as it is for the benefit of the church.

December 30, 1886
The Military Ball, held last Thursday night, was pronounced by those present to be the best ball of the season.  The crowd was genteel and just the right size to be enjoyed and objectional parties were kept out, contrary to the prediction of some.  The boys will give another ball on New Year’s Eve.  Nobody need be afraid of it not being conducted properly.

April 28, 1887
Henry Martin was married to Miss Mary Williams on Thursday evening of last week, but the joke of it was that Henry was so busy at work that he forgot all about this being his wedding day until reminded of it on Thursday afternoon.  He had even forgotten to procure the license.  So he had to get a horse and buggy and “tote” his intended to Marysville [the county seat], where the business was all transacted in a short time and the bride and groom returned happy.

December 22, 1887
The report goes that our genial telegraphic operator has his wires laid, matrimonially speaking.

March 28, 1901
Last Thursday evening the Richwood High School boys entertained the young ladies of that grade at a masquerade party in the Marriott building on S. Franklin Street.  The costumes were of great variety, almost every nation on the globe being represented.  Refreshments were served by E.E. Moore, the popular caterer.

April 24, 1902
A certain Richwood girl is devoting a large portion of her time to reading fiction.  She gets about eighteen pages from her lover every other day.

May 15, 1902
On Monday afternoon, the members of the Tourists' Club drove to the pleasant rural home of Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Cheney, north of Richwood, and spent a most delightful afternoon and evening.  A few hours were spent in gathering wild flowers and fishing.  At 8 o'clock Mrs. Cheney served a delicious supper.  This proved to be one of the most pleasant meetings of this club during the past season.

May 11, 1905
An economical young lady wrote her wedding invitations recently and got it "your presents is requested."  She wasn't making much of a mistake after all, but it is considered very bad form to put it just that way.


August 11, 1881
The race between Abdallah and the "Milk Maid" on Saturday was a thin affair, thinner than watered milk, notwithstanding the intense interest awakened and the large amount of money risked.  Abdallah distanced the mare on the first heat, making the mile at an easy gait in 3:04.  This should settle the idea that a common plug can compete with fine blood.

September 20, 1883
The Richwood and Byhalia baseball clubs will play a match game at Byhalia on Friday, Sept. 28, for a purse of $54.

May 22, 1884
A number of our young men with sporting proclivities accompanied an excursion over the C.H.V. & T. Railroad to Columbus, on Sunday last, to witness a game of baseball between the Columbus and Louisville clubs.  The Columbus club was victorious.

July 10, 1884
The baseball fever is rising in Richwood and, by the way, we have a very good amateur club.  But, boys, don't become so enthusiastic that you forget everything and play on Sunday!

August 4, 1887
A horse race for a $25 purse and side bets amounting to $300 was called between Doc Moore’s spotted Tom and Pocahontas, a handsome brown mare owned by Harvey Johnson of LaRue.  Bets stood 100 to 65 in favor of the LaRue mare which won two straight heats without half trying.  No fights occurred on the track and all bets were promptly paid.  Our best people, including Sunday School teachers and scholars, were out in force.

December 25, 1890
Football is the “latest kick” here in Essex.  For the past two Saturdays, the boys have been having great fun!  Maj. Dutton usually presides over the game as umpire.

We dedicated the ball in the meadows back of Hall’s store.  Wink fired them out of that field, but gave them the privilege of playing the creek bottom near his house.

Trouble begins about one o’clock each Saturday afternoon.  Nobody killed so far.

January 22, 1891
Essex is one of those lively little hamlets that a stranger cannot help but be impressed with.  They have two stores, a strong I.O.O.F. Lodge [International Order of Odd Fellows], a Daughters of Rebekah order, a Farmer’s Alliance, and one of the liveliest K of P orders [Knights of Pythias] in Union County.

UPDATE, 130 YEARS LATER:  In 2021 it was reported that there are now 21 houses in Essex.  Compare that to 113 housing units in Magnetic Springs and 805 residential water accounts in Richwood.

The population of Essex isn't counted separately in the census, but it must be only in double digits.  Magnetic has 281 people and Richwood 2,222.

December 4, 1902
The local football team is certainly an unlucky organization, as it has been impossible for them to get a game with any neighborhood team this year so far.  The bad weather last Saturday prevented them from going to Marysville.  They have new uniforms which are very pretty and will, no doubt, get a chance by and by to soil them.

July 2, 1903
In addition to the carnival in Richwood, next Saturday will be a big wrestling match between Kid Hogan of Toledo and Al Ackerman of Akron, the two best wrestlers in the state.  Hogan is the champion lightweight wrestler of Ohio, but Ackerman has challenged him for a series of contests hoping to capture the belt.

January 14, 1904
The owners of good horse flesh have been having a good time since the snow fell, speeding their horses on Ottawa Street.  Some exciting races have taken place on that thoroughfare which has, for years, been the recognized winter race course in Richwood.

December 8, 1904
Ward Fetty, proprietor of the North Main Street Saloon and Bowling Alley, will give the following prizes for high scores bowled from December 1 to Christmas Eve at 9 o'clock:  Five pin high score — duck; second, guinea; four pin high score — chicken; second, guinea; cocked hat high score — box of cigars.

Forty years later, on December 18, 1944, the newpaper reported on a high school basketball game.  (My illustration is from a 1952 photo plus a 2012 graphic.)

A crowd of nearly 600 saw the Tiger varsity put on an amazing demonstration of basketball in the first quarter Friday night.

Striking with speed and finesse, they completely dominated the play.

Sixteen times they shot, with ten shots hitting the net for 20 points.

They did not commit a foul, and Marysville got not a single point. 

The second team played all of the second quarter and part of the final half.  But the first quarter was the ball game, and Richwood just coasted in from there.


November 24, 1881
A telephone line has been put up between the Commercial House and the depot.  Mr. Parsons says that businessmen who want to use it can do so, free of charge, providing they do their own talking.

November 8, 1883
Ed S. Hubbard has a telephone line running from the post office to his residence, which is now in good working order, and intelligible conversation may be carried on between the two points.  At first it didn't work well, but with the aid of an "expert," it was made a success.

May 24, 1900
The United States Long Distance Telephone Company will soon have a copper wire into Richwood for the use of the patrons of the local exchange.

The Richwood Telephone Company received the new switch board last Friday and the same is being put in position to connect a lot of new boxes lately contracted for.  When completed, it is expected the company will have at least 125 patrons.  Some of the most progressive farmers expect to be connected, and they will then be in position to buy goods or sell their stock or crops to the different dealers in Richwood without stopping their work and coming to town.

March 17, 1905
The telephones were put to good use Thursday by farmers living southwest of here.  About 2 a.m., J.M. Deardorff heard two rigs pass northward by his place so he called up his neighbors and had them look out as to where the late travelers were possibly going.  Over on the other pike, Mrs. Amy Hill heard two rigs and she likewise called her neighbors.  They all loaded for bear with all kinds of firearms in readiness to show a thief a "good time."  Suspicions would not have been aroused were it not known that several thefts had occurred of late.

May 4, 1905
All parties connected with the Richwood Telephone Company, from the pretty "hello girls" to the brawny "ground men," have been exceedingly busy the past few weeks.  Many miles of new wire and many new phones have been put in operation, and in a short time there will be scarcely a farmer or resident of Richwood or any surrounding villages who cannot call up the outside world from a telephone in his own domicile.  Twenty-five years ago, such a thing would have been thought impossible.

If a farm wife was sick, there was no thought of taking her in the buggy to see Doc.  She needed to stay in bed.  So the farmer would drive in to fetch Doc, then take him back to town afterwards:  two round trips in the farmer's buggy.  With the new technology, Ma could phone Doc and ask him to come out to see her.  This was quicker because it required only one round trip, but Doc had to use his own buggy.

June 8, 1905
The doctors don't like the rural telephone.  It causes people to delay calling until the last minute.  As many ailments are worse in the evenings, it increases late night calls.  Instead of coming after him and returning him, folks telephone and he has to use his own horseflesh to make the call.

Doctors say the people want absent treatment by phone, giving their symptoms and asking him to prescribe.  Once a baby was held up to the phone so he could hear it cough.


November 2, 1882
Late Saturday evening Mrs. J.S. Gill, returning from Prospect after a trip to Columbus, had her portmanteau and several articles she had purchased stolen from her buggy while driving along the road.  Things of considerable value were taken, including five dollars in money.  The buggy was a piano box and the articles lying in the bed were of easy access from behind.

July 26, 1883
O.P. Walters had a horse and buggy taken from the place it was hitched in front of Landon's store on Tuesday night before all the business houses were closed.  Up to time of going to press, no clue had yet been found leading to its recovery.  This is the most daring robbery on record in Richwood.



Dunkirk is 25 miles north of Byhalia.

December 13, 1883
J.C. Irwin, N.W. Spratt, and Mike Delsaver went to Byhalia last Saturday to attend a shooting match, and some intoxicated fellow drove their horses away.  The boys had a nice hunt for their rig, finding it at Dunkirk, Hardin County, and did not get home until Sunday afternoon.

July 14, 1887
Saturday night, some sneak thieves or one-horse burglars committed burglary on two stores and tried to enter two others.  They broke open the door of Miss Kate A. Walters Millinery, taking some ribbons and a few bottles of handkerchief perfumery, thus showing their exquisite taste.  The rascals tried unsuccessfully to gain entrance to Benedict’s Furniture and Bowers Boot and Shoe Store.  The burglars pried off the bolts of the shutters on the back windows of Frash’s Dry Goods Store and took all the loose change, not exceeding $4, and six pairs of shoes.  They stole Mr. Frash’s own overcoat and a couple of coats belonging to Mr. Jerry Bigelow.

The villains got the tools they used at Slemmons Brothers and left part of them in Frash’s store.  The idea of uncouth, greasy, loafing sneak thieves burglarizing a millinery and carrying off ribbons and perfumery is just too utterly, but it is burglary. 

November 20, 1902
On Sunday night, some unknown person climbed through the transom over the rear door to Charles Silliman's saloon and robbed the cash register of $2.55, and also carried away a lot of cigars, tobacco, whiskey, etc.  Mr. Silliman is pretty well satisfied who the guilty parties are and says if they will leave him alone hereafter, he will try and forgive them this time.

September 10, 1903
The boy who picked up the lady's purse in Smith's grocery last Monday at noon had better return the same to Mr. Smith if he wants to save trouble.


January 20, 1881
John Blair is attending a grand reception given by the Studebaker Wagon Co., South Bend, Indiana.

April 17, 1884
A number of our citizens will take advantage of the cheap excursion rates offered from this place to New Orleans, during the Supreme Lodge, Knights of Pythias, in that city.  The fare is only $13 from Richwood to New Orleans and back.

July 21, 1887
Friday morning, four fine looking young gents from Nashville, Tenn., wheeled into Richwood on bicycles.  They were given ice and soda.  They commended on the nice appearance of our pretty and shaded town and departed for Prospect and Marion and on to Cleveland; then out to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Quebec and Montreal, Canada.

November 2, 1893
W.N. Hedges and wife have returned home from a two weeks' visit with Mr. Hedges' brother in Missouri.

During their visit, the brothers went out hunting for gold among the hills, but were unsuccessful.  However, they did see A.F. Wycoff with his celebrated sale horse "Artist Montrose," recent winner of the Grand Sweepstakes at the Chicago World's Fair Columbia Exposition.

May 17, 1900
The Erie R.R. will run their first excursion to Cincinnati, Ohio, on Sunday, May 20.  Fare for the round trip — $1.50.  On this day there will be a game of baseball between Cincinnati and Brooklyn.


January 9, 1879
The clear, crisp, starlit winter nights are at hand when the love-smitten boy hitches his horses to the sleigh and drives seventeen miles, gets his nose frozen and discovers that his girl has gone off to a party with some other fella.

January 8, 1880
It has rained every day of the New Year, and the prospects now are that it will continue during the entire year, or "until the moon changes."

February 12, 1880
Will science please stand up and tell us why a girl who freezes to death every time she has to step off the front steps can ride five miles in a sleigh, with nothing around her but some other girl's brother's arm, without even getting a blue nose!!

March 24, 1881
The snow, after a series of rehearsals throughout the winter, gave very successful performances Monday and Tuesday evenings.  A genuine "old inhabitant" informs us that this is the heaviest snow storm for the time of year he has witnessed since the spring of 1823, when snow fell to a great depth on the last two days of March.

Recreational sleigh-riding was replaced almost a century later by recreational snowmobiling.

January 10, 1883
A white Christmas and white New Year, and an almost unbroken period of sleighing for two weeks, were among the pleasant features of the season.

December 27, 1883
The sleighing for the past week has been delightful, notwithstanding the fact that its life was despaired of on Sunday, because of rain.  It is still possible, although the weather has been very mild and rain frequent.

February 7, 1884
Saturday, Ground Hog Day, was bright and sunny all day, and the groundhog could not fail to see his shadow at any time.  Therefore, we must look for six weeks more hard winter.

June 9, 1887
On Sunday, during a thunderstorm which swept over Byhalia, as we learn from Squire Lingrel of the pleasant village, much damage was done by a cloudburst or water spout.  When the storm was at its height, an immense volume of water came down and covered the earth to a depth of ten to twelve feet.  Pigs, chickens, lambs, calves, geese and other poultry and other animals unable to get away, drowned; and considerable damage was done to crops and fencing.  The flood subsided almost as quickly as it came, but the damage will run into thousands of dollars.

November 3, 1887
These signals are displayed daily (except Saturday) on a horizontal line extending from Conkright’s drug store on Main Street to the gutter and can easily be distinguished by passersby:

A small white triangular banner represents the point from which the signals are to be read.  If No.3 flag is displayed above No.1 or No.2, it indicates higher temperature (warm); if it is displayed below No.1 or No.2 it will be cooler.

When No.3 is not displayed with No.1 or No.2, it indicates stationary temperatures.

No.4 indicates approach of a sudden and decided fall in temperatures or a cold wave.  Flags No.3 and No.4 are never displayed together.

The information comes from the Order of the U.S. Government Signal Service.

October 16, 1902
The weatherman last week smiled on Richwood and then served us with four or five days of the most beautiful October weather ever experienced in Ohio.  Being the week of our annual fair, there was a great activity about the grounds and, in fact, all over town.  Every hotel, boarding house and private residence where rooms could be secured, were filled with strangers, while the restaurants, lunch counters and other places where eatables could be obtained were filled with customers almost the entire week.


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